The Perfect Gift Idea for Your Best Friend: Dog Tags!
Do you want to show the connection that you share with your K9 companion in a special way? Check out these Best Friend Dog Tags

Are you looking for the perfect gift to show your canine bestie how much they mean to you?
Then join the club because as dog lovers ourselves, we enjoy finding new ways to strengthen the bond between us and our dogs. An easy and fun way to do just that is with bff dog tags!
It doesn't matter if it's their Birthday, Christmas, your anniversary, or you just want to celebrate your friendship, keep reading to get the best info and recommendations on top quality and affordable tags.
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We love simplifying your shopping experience! In fact, it's so much fun for us (and satisfying) that we can’t stop! We love providing you with the best product options to make your choice an easy one! What can we say… we love doing research! Go ahead, call us nerds, geeks, Trekkies (ooh, Trekkie has a nice ring to it) but we’re doing our passion - and that’s good news for you! So we won’t waste your time (or money for that matter) giving you gobs of needless info or lists and lists of products. Nope! we’ll keep it to the most helpful information and simplify it to the top 3-5 best options. After all, we have to stay true to our name… this is ChucksBest - Shopping Made Easy.

How We Choose
We've gone on a search to find the best tags for your best friend! By reading hundreds of reviews, comparing dozens of products and services, and doing hours of research. We want to be sure your doggy tag puts a smile on your face!
We've narrowed it down so that choosing is as EASY as buying. Everything from quality products that your wallet will love, to premium products at a higher price point. There’s something here for everyone!

Buyers Guide
We've all been there, it starts so simple and before you know it, you're best friends for life! Of course no one else knows your pet as well as you, which means finding the perfect gift for your best friend is pretty high on your list.
One of the most thoughtful ways you can show your furry four legged friend that you care is with a durable, personalized dog tag. Why? Because not only do these tags allow you to identify your dog with his or her name on it, but can also include a phone number and even an address where you can be contacted, if your best friend were ever to be lost - heaven forbid.
Credit: Animal Humane Society
What makes a great dog tag?
A great dog ID tag combines a few different features and there are some important things to first consider before getting a custom tag made.
#1. Type of material (you want scratch proof & waterproof): there are 3 primary types of metal to choose from when looking for your bffs new tag, along with others like enamel tags and plastic tags.
- Aluminum: is lightweight and offers a greater variety of color options than most other metals. This is important when considering the visibility and readability of your dog tag. Aluminum also has the widest selection of shapes and sizes. The 'price tag' (haha - like the pun?) is commonly more affordable than other metals. But due to being a lighter material, name and info can more easily fade and be difficult to read due to dings and surface rubbing.
- Brass: is a more traditional style dog tag and is stronger than aluminum. That means it will last longer and lettering won't fade as quickly from rubbing, getting nicked, and dinged. The downside is, that brass is typically more limited in shape options. But hey, if you like things that are simple but with quality, then brass is a no muss no fuss option. (a little secret from one dog owner to another... they won't know or care for that matter what shape it is - Lol)

- Stainless Steel: is the winner for most durable metal (preferred over enamel), which means good things when it comes to longevity and low maintenance. You won't need to worry about wear and tear nearly as much. Stainless steel can take a hit (over and over) without receiving as much damage as an aluminum tag would for example. Again, there is a downside, which is that choosing stainless steel means less shape and size options are available.
- Plastic: it has it's place in a lit of things, but in our opinion, not so much as a dog tag. We don't recommend plastic tags (or similar items/materials) because often they crack and or fall off. Also, many times paper is used to press between the plastic, so if a crack or chip were to occur, the information could easily fade due to water seepage or just simply due to exposure to daily wear and tear.

#2. Size: before buying the first cute dog tag, jewelry, charm, necklace, (or whatever you like to call it) that you see, it's a good idea to remember that just like jewelry we wear, if something is large enough to get in the way, it can become quite irritating and somewhat of a nuisance.
The same goes for our best friends! It's important that a tag doesn't interfere while your pup is eating and drinking, or while doing other things like playing. As a side note, be sure that the tag is secured by a strong attachment to the collar.
#3. Weight: is one of the most important factors to keep top of mind while shopping. Obviously it will depend greatly on the size of your canine, but if your pup is on the smaller side, it's always good to ask yourself if the added weight for style, quality, etc. is best for your dog? Think about wearing a heavier necklace, without the luxury of removing it whenever you want.

#4. Color: is pretty straightforward, obviously you might choose a color that compliments your dog, or a color that you like most. But don't forget to make sure the name and info on the tag will be well visible and easily read.
#5. Info: we recommend you consider including your name on the back of the tag by your info, so a caller knows who to ask for. Also, include 2 basic forms of contact: a phone number (preferably your mobile/cell in case you are out searching) and address where your pet can be returned.
Some may, for security reasons, choose not to include a physical address. This is understandable and we recommend that if you choose not to, that you include in place of your physical address, some other form of communication like an email address, or the number of your vet. This ensures a person has 2 forms of contact for you, in case of dialing a wrong number or if your number has changed. Also, it's always a good idea to include the city in which you reside.

Engraved tags VS printed tags.
There are pros and cons to both engraved and printed tags. Most people choose to have their new tags engraved. This option will save you some money and also may last a little longer as the engraving is more robust.
The upside to printed tags is first and foremost STYLE. Who doesn't love to personalize a good looking piece of jewelry? With printing, your pretty much only limited by your own imagination. And if printing to a quality metal like stainless steel, then there's a good chance your print will last quite a while and won't fade too quickly. However we wouldn't be doing right by you if we didn't warn you that printed tags can fade quicker than engraved tags. Especially if you have a very active dog.

What We Like
The most durable and long lasting tag we reviewed and the highest ranked amongst Amazon customers. Some customers report that they are on year 4 to 5 and still going strong!
Offers up to 8 lines of custom text and allows for laser printing on both sides. This gives you the option to add your dog's name to side A and your first name to side B along with your info.
9 different shapes available for purchase and customization.
What You Should Know
The laser engraving is added to a polished mirror-finish surface and is permanent, clear, and attractive.
GoTags typically offers free shipping through Amazon.
What We Like
We love that this tag is silent due to it's design. If you like your quiet and don't want to hear a tinging sound each time your pup moves around, this is the perfect tag style for you!
It's durable and lightweight, made from rustproof stainless steel & silicone.
It's versatile size will fit small, medium, and large pets.
What You Should Know
Because of the style of this tag, it is one sided and there is less room for information.
This tag is available in 7 different colors and 4 different sizes
What We Like
Each tag is etched with a precision carbon dioxide laser. The bright white lettering will stand out and contrast nicely against any background color.
They are manufactured in the U.S. and use high-quality, aircraft-grade, domestically sourced aluminum. This combination of materials produce tags that are durable, lightweight and safe.
These tags allow space for 4 lines of text on each side. Giving you plenty of real-estate to add all kinds of info, sayings, messages, etc.
What You Should Know
8 different shapes to choose from: rectangle, star, circle, heart, paw, bone, cat and hydrant. These are so affordable that you might think you're getting one of their exclusive deals - Lol.
9 different colors to choose from, including blue, red, pink, and silver. This great variety allows you the flexibility to match your pet's personality.
What We Like
These tags boast a unique design and look that is creative, fun, and expressive.
Each tag has it's own color plating, available in Gold, Rose Gold, Blue, Black, and Nebula.
Deep Engraving technology and stainless steel is used to create a durable, long lasting ID tag.
What You Should Know
A split ring is included with each tag
Up to 5 lines of engraved, custom, and personalized text is available on both sides.
You get to choose from a total of 20 different fonts, and over 10 creative designs to show off your pet's unique personality.
What We Like
We love the beautiful sheen and polished look, which makes these tags a fashion statement by themselves.
Double sided engraving available with up to 8 lines of text/information.
It's easy to see why these tags are popular. With long-lasting durable stainless steel, these pet tags can withstand the most active dog and also come with a split ring included.
What You Should Know
Two sizes available and nine different shapes to choose from.
Proudly made the the USA with scratch resistant materials.
What We Like
These adorable Best Friend Dog Tags are a beautiful necklace bangle and pet collar keychain combo that says it all! The cute bone design with customizable back side text gives you the perfect way to share somting very special with your Best K9 Friend. It's available in multiple colors: rose gold plated, silver plated, and gold plated. The keychain also includes a 10mm red bell to help you locate your pet or protect your pet from getting lost.
What We Like
This makes a perfect gift for your pet or a special friend. This keychain and pendant is symbolic of the special connection you or a friend shares with a furry companion. Personalize it with custom text (can also double as a dog info tag). It's crafted with Titanium Stainless Steel material that is Hypoallergenic and good quality that won't fade.
The Best Answers For The Right Questions
FAQ: About Your Best Find Dog Tags
Q. Is it a good idea to include your physical address on a dog tag?
A. It's typically recommended to include a physical address, to assist people who may have found your dog, locate you sooner. But it can depend on the neighborhood you live in. Consider the safety of where you live and if doing so could inadvertently put you at risk.
Q. Should dog tags contain a microchip?
Including a microchip in your dogs tag is somewhat of a personal preference. It doesn't hurt, however, we recommend having your dog microchipped under theri skin at your vet (it's done between the shoulder blades under loose skin and your dog doesn't feel a thing). This helps to discourage potential dog-nappers from simply removing the dog collar, which in turn would remove the chip.
It also helps to ensure that microchips work correctly, because the chances of it being damaged are close to zero. Whereas a microchip installed on a collar or tag could very easily be inadvertently damage.
But it's important to remember that your first line of defense is a dog tag and collar. Even if your has a microchip embedded, most people wouldn't know it nor have the means to scan and contact you in the case of a missing dog.
Q. What is the best material for a dog tag?
The strongest and most durable material for a dog tag is stainless steel. This is preferred by most dog owners and is a good balance between durability, weight, and cost.

In conclusion
Let's review the highlights shall we?
ChucksChoice for the top rated and most durable dog tag is: GoTags Stainless Steel Pet ID
- Stainless steel or aluminum base tags are durable while still being lightweight.
- It's important to ensure that you use a strong attachment to secure the tag onto the dogs collar
- Be sure the font and color of tag that you choose is easy to read and that you contact details are clear.
- Remember, that even if your pup is microchipped, you still will want to give them a quality tag, so they can quickly and easily be identified in case of an emergency. Especially if the the person who discovers your best friend doesn't have a chip reader handy (which is most everyone - haha)